活動預告:An Innovative Approach to Communication

日  期:2019年11月11日(星期一)

時  間:15:00–17:00

地  點:澳門科技大學圖書館大樓N座321室

講  題:An Innovative Approach to Communication

主講嘉賓:Ausra Lisauskiene

語  言:英語


講者簡介:Aušra Lisauskienė  is a graphic designer working in communication design, typography and calligraphy areas. Her field of interest is a visual examination of the phenomenon of typography and practice in graphic design, visual arts, and new media. She is designing identities and communication systems for cultural events, exhibitions, is illustrating and designing books, creates typefaces, is an expert in the field of type design and typography; organizes and supervises the international exhibitions, including, since 2008 “Traveling Letters" exhibition in many European countries. Participates in important international exhibitions and competitions, has won awards. Her works are included into the graphic design books of publishers' “Rotovision”, “Harper Collins”, “Rockport”, “How books”, “Graphis”, “ETAPES” and magazines "Novum", "Artlab. In addition to the teaching and the professional practice, participates and presents papers at international conferences, conducts workshops for students in Finland (Aalto University, Lahti Institute of Design), France (Paris Ecole Estienne), Greece (TEI), China (CAFA, HUHST), Belarus (Grodno J. Kupala University), Poland (Polish-Japanese academy of information technology), German (Stuttgart MERZ Academy), Island Arts University (Reykjavik).