Doctor of Philosophy in Fine Arts

Program Introduction

  • Duration of Study

    The normal duration of this program is 3 years,and the maximum duration is 6 years.

  • Teaching Approach

    Face-to-face Teaching

  • Teaching Language


  • Academic Field

    Fine Arts

  • Course Introduction
    1.Painting Theory and Practice
    2.History and Theory of Fine Arts

Study Plan

Table 1: Core courses (9 credits)

Course Code

Course Title



Advanced Research Methods in Fine Arts



Aesthetic Theory



Contemporary Artistic Creation and Research




Table 2: Major courses (3 credits)

Major: Painting Theory and Practice

Course Code

Course Title



Painting Theory and Creative Works


Major: History and Theory of Fine Arts

Course Code

Course Title



Classic Literatures in the History of Fine Arts


The University has the ultimate right to decide which course or whether the course will be opened for all Major subjects.

Table 3: Elective Courses (3 credits)

Major: Painting Theory and Practice (Complete 1 course from below)

Course Code

Course Title



Special Topics in Chinese and Foreign Cultures



Classic Literatures in the History of Fine Arts


Major: History and Theory of Fine Arts (Complete 1 course from below)

Course Code

Course Title



Special Topics in Chinese and Foreign Cultures



Painting Theory and Creative Works




Table 4: Others (1 credit)

Course Code

Course Title



Academic Activities




Table 5: Graduation Project and Dissertation (12 credits)

Major: Painting Theory and Practice

Course Code

Course Title



Graduation Project





Major: History and Theory of Fine Arts

Course Code

Course Title






Course Description


1. Painting Theory and Practice

2. Fine arts history and theory

I. Core Courses

Advanced Research Methods in Fine Arts3 credits

This course is one of the core courses of the program and will cover a series of important research methods that apply in the field of art research. It will elaborate systematically on the objectives, genres, and methods in the field and introduce the formats and key points in thesis writing.

Aesthetic Theory3 credits

The course covers Chinese and Western aesthetics and art theory to foster students’ ability in theoretical research. The course emphasizes on learning basic theories and ideologies in Chinese art, introducing the history of foreign aesthetics and major research outputs, improving students’ skills in aesthetic research.

Contemporary Artistic Creation and Research (3 credits)

This course focuses on latest theories in arts since the beginning of 20th century, including Phenomenology, Semiology, Psychology, Visual Culture, and Iconography/Iconology. Students are going to read and discuss classic literature and master the relevant theories, and mobilize theories in conducting practice led research.

Academic Activities (1 credit)

Students are required to participate in at least ten academic activities that are recognized by the Faculty of Humanities and Arts, such as lectures, seminars, or visits organized by the University. After each activity, students are required to submit a one-page (A4)-length report, marked by the designated adviser or tutor. The course aims to improve the comprehensive quality of students, broaden their academic horizons, and cultivate their creative thinking abilities.

II. Major Core Courses and Elective Courses

Classic Literatures in the History of Fine(3 credits)

The “Intensive reading”, seen as an important component of the art course, focuses on art classics under the guide of supervisor, involving Chinese and Western art history, art theory, style changing and so on. The studies on significant achievements in art history consolidate students’ research ability. For students majoring in History and Theory of Fine Arts, the learning expectation as well as assessment is relatively higher, which require the students to have extensive readings in relevant to research direction that needs to have unique insight at end. For students majoring in Painting Theory and Practice, they need to understand the basic pattern of art history and its development, and can use the knowledge to guide art practice.

Painting Theory and Creative Works (3 credits)

For students majoring in Painting Theory and Practice, the learning expectation as well as assessment is relatively higher, which focuses on form handling and creativity training that students must develop their own style and theme.

For students majoring in History and Theory of Fine Arts, they are expected to acquire basic variations and skills of painting, and conduct creative practice.

Special Topics in Chinese and Foreign Cultures (3 credits)

This course will focus on culture introduction and comparison between China and Western countries, particularly, regarding philosophy, science and technology, arts, etc. Students will learn in depth the culture difference between China and Western countries and the singularity of each culture and civilization development. This will bring better understanding over the relations between art and culture which would eventually improve cultural and artistic quality of individual student

Graduation project (3 credits)

Students who majoring in Painting Theory and Practice are required to complete the graduation project. The project shall reflect the relation between everyday life and history, as well as the pattern of the development of painting style in both China and Western context. On the premise of using innovative and contemporary language, students need to visually present their study achievement in a comprehensive and systematic way.

Dissertation (9 credits)

Students who majoring in Painting Theory and Practice are required to complete a dissertation and pass the dissertation defense. The dissertation must be original that contributes to a certain concern/issue in the field of painting theory and practice. The dissertation shall demonstrate that the main research question has been fully addressed, as well as the research method and conclusion. The minimum word length for a dissertation should be 60,000 words excluding footnotes, endnotes, tables, figures, references, and appendices.

Dissertation (12 credits)

Students who majoring in History and Theory of Fine Arts are required to complete a dissertation and pass the dissertation defense. The dissertation should be an original body of work that contributes to a particular problem in the field of fine arts history and theory. It should articulate the research questions, methodologies and primary arguments. The minimum word length for a thesis should be 80,000 words excluding footnotes, tables, figures, references, and appendices.

Degree Requirements

1. Painting Theory and Practice 1.1 Students are required to complete three core courses in Table 1, one major course in Table 2, one elective course in Table 3, academic activities (ten times of attendance) in Table 4, Graduation Project in Table 5 to gain 19 credits. 1.2 After finishing each course, students will be assessed based on regulations established by the instructor and the Faculty. 1.3 Students who complete all the required courses can start writing the thesis proposal. Students can continue their dissertation research and writing upon completion of thesis proposal defense. 1.4 Students are required to publish at least one first-level academic work/art work, OR two second-level academic works/art works. The work will be evaluated and approved by the Faculty of Humanities and Arts at Macau University of Science and Technology. Please refer to A Guidance for Publication Assessment for the Doctoral Students of the Faculty of Humanities and Arts for details. 1.5 Students are required to complete an original research Ph.D.’s dissertation in no less than 60,000 words and pass the dissertation oral defense. 2. History and Theory of Fine Arts 2.1 Students are required to complete three core courses in Table 1, one major course in Table 2, one elective course in Table 3, academic activities (ten times of attendance) in Table 4 to gain 16 credits. 2.2 After finishing each course, students will be assessed based on regulations established by the instructor and the Faculty. 2.3 Students who complete all the required courses can start writing the thesis proposal. Students can continue their dissertation research and writing upon completion of thesis proposal defense. 2.4 Students are required to publish at least one first-level academic work OR two second-level academic works. The work will be evaluated and approved by the Faculty of Humanities and Arts at Macau University of Science and Technology. Please refer to A Guidance for Publication Assessment for the Doctoral Students of the Faculty of Humanities and Arts for details. 2.5 Students are required to complete an original research Ph.D.’s dissertation in no less than 80,000 words and pass the dissertation oral defense.

Learning Time

1. The course study period is 12 months, and the thesis writing period is 24 months. 2. Classes will generally be scheduled from Monday to Sunday, daytime or at night. .

Qualifications of Graduation

Upon approval from the Senate of the University, a Doctoral Degree will be conferred on a student when he or she has: 1. Completed and met the requirements prescribed in the study plan of his or her program within the specific study period, and achieved a cumulative GPA of 2.50 or above (excluding dissertation) 2. Abided by the regulations of the University 3. Cleared all fees and charges and returned all University’sproperty and equipment borrowed Note: All curriculums and study plans are based on the newest announcement of the Boletim Oficial da Região Administrativa Especial de Macau.