Doctor of Philosophy in Digital Media

Program Introduction

  • Duration of Study

    The normal duration of this program is 3 years,and the maximum duration is 6 years.

  • Teaching Approach

    Face-to-face Teaching

  • Teaching Language


  • Academic Field

    Fine Arts

  • Course Introduction
    Academic Field: Fine Arts

Study Plan

This program includes five core courses and two elective courses, academic activities and a doctoral dissertation.


Table 1: Core Courses (15 Credits)

Course Code

Course Title



Research Methodology 



Digital Media 



Creative Media and Technology



Principles of Interactive Design 



Design, Technology, and Representation




Table 2: Elective courses (6 credits)

Complete two elective courses from the following four courses

Course Code

Course Title



Issues in Media Studies



Intellectual Property Policy and Law



The Computer as an Expressive Medium



Special Topics in Game Design


The University has the ultimate right to decide which course or whether the course will be opened for all elective subjects



Table 3: Others (1 credit)

Course Code

Course Title



Academic Activities




Table 4: Dissertation (12 credits)

Course Code

Course Title






Course Description

DAIZ01 Research Methodology (3 credits) 

The goal of this course is to explore the essence of design research from the levels of science and philosophy, research methods, and practical operations. The content includes the definition of design research questions, the selection of appropriate quantitative or qualitative research methods and specific tools, the interpretation of research results, case analysis, and thesis writing. At the same time, students are trained to write feasible design research projects and research methods, and evaluate the feasibility and analyze the results. In order to improve the quality of writing papers.

DAIZ02 Digital Media (3 credits)

Discuss the concept and relationship between digital media and new media.  Examine their culture, society, aesthetic, politics, morality, law, and economic influence. According to different media, students are trained to create new thought patterns, analyze media channels. Explore how the digital has reorganized media operation.

DAIZ03 Creative Media and Technology (3 credits)

This course takes creativity as the core and technology as the means. It discusses how creativity uses design, media and technology for integrated application and research development. The concept of value-added design allows students to understand various research topic orientations, as well as the discussion and creation applied to various design levels. Learn how to use digital media technology to achieve creative expression in media.

DAIZ04 Principles of Interactive Design (3 credits)

This course is based on the theory of interactive design and the principle of practice orientation. Students can combine academic theories with industry practices to enrich their comprehensive understanding of interactive design.

DAIZ05 Design, Technology and Representation (3 credits)

This course introduces the existing interactive technology, introduces real-time images, real-time audio, physical devices, and related performance technologies (such as lighting control, various sensor applications, etc.) and application practices, and uses graphical, object-oriented programming systems. Through the graphics and object-oriented programming system, it guides and assists related visual and programming designers to explore, and integrate interactive system design in a more efficient way, so as to achieve the integration of interactive installations, performance technology, and performing arts.  

DAIE01 Issues in Media Studies (3 credits)

Use relevant theories to explore the historical roots of current important media issues, and then analyze, comment and compare different solutions to these issues. Students can develop the cognition and ability to enrich media literacy and participate in social/media revolution. They can also understand the operating environment of domestic and foreign media and grasp the value of media research.

DAIE02 Intellectual Property Policy and Law (3 credits)

In-depth discussion on how to regulate and establish intellectual property rights in digital content industries such as the digital game industry, computer animation industry, digital audio-visual application industry, digital publishing and collection industry, mobile application service industry, and network service industry. And students can understand how the law protects personal intellectual property, and the relationship between law and intellectual property.

DAIE03 The Computer as an Expressive Medium (3 credits)

Through the introduction of computer programs and digital media languages, students will have a deeper understanding of the nature, theory and practice of computer media communication. Explore how people interact and communicate in a computer environment connected to the Internet, and how to create an interactive environment of computer technology to facilitate contact, interaction and cooperation. Understand and study the characteristics of computer media, and conduct in-depth research and discussion on the characteristics of computer media communication, computer media display, and computer interaction.

DAIE04 Special Topics in Game Design (3 credits)

This course introduces advanced design theory in game design. Teaching logic theory knowledge in game design. Explain the game design: numerical tendency, numerical concept, intuitive feedback of virtualization, psychological characteristics of sensory extension, etc. On the other hand, through specific examples to explain the relevance between core degree, openness degree, freedom degree, competitive and other statistical data and game design.

DAIZ06 Academic Activities (1 credit)

Students are required to participate in at least ten academic activities that are recognized by the Faculty of Humanities and Arts, such as the famous scholars’ seminars held on campus. Students must complete each academic activity and write academic report not less than 1,000 words.

Degree Requirements

1.Students are required to complete five core courses from Table 1 and two elective courses from Table 2 during the first academic year to gain 21 credits. After finishing each course, students have to pass the examination or finish a study report. The students’ grades of each course are based on the overall assessment of them in-class discussion, grades of examination and reports, etc. 2.Students need to participate academic activities (ten times of attendance) during their studies to gain 1 credit, and students should write academic report not less than 1,000 words for each academic activity. 3.Students should write the thesis proposal and complete the thesis proposal defense after completion of the aforementioned 21 credits under Table 1 and 2. Students can continue their research and thesis writing after completing the defense. 4.Students have to publish at least one first-level academic paper, or two second-level academic papers in the approbatory academic journal. Then, they can attain the arrangement to carry on the oral defense. 5.The PhD dissertation should pass the assessment and be defended successfully.

Learning Time

The course takes 12 months, and the thesis writing time is usually 12 months, with a maximum of 24 months. Classes are usually held during the day and at night from Monday to Saturday.

Qualifications of Graduation

A doctoral degree shall be awarded to a student who meets the following requirements and is approved by the Academic and Teaching Committee of the University: Complete and pass the requirements of the study plan during the study period of the corresponding course, and the cumulative average point of each course (excluding the dissertation score) shall not be less than 2.50; Observe the University code of study; Pay specified fees and return borrowed University property.